About Huyamu
Huduma ya Afya Mara & Ukerewe:
The Health Department within the AICT Diocese of Mara & Ukerewe.
HUYAMU was started in 1999 with the aim to offer holistic help to people in the Diocese, both physically and spiritually.
THE VISION: ‘A community enabled to prevent diseases, caring for those already sick, with good health, good economics – praising God.’
THE MISSION: ‘Working together with other stakeholders in teaching about prevention of diseases, offering health services, Voluntary Counseling & Testing (VCT) as well as spirtual care.’
A) PRIMARY HEALTH CARE, PREVENTION: Training of health workers, visiting the sick, encouraging those nursing their relatives. Also the TUMAINI Project, caring for 90 "most vulnarable children in Bunda" is part of this branch
B) MEDICAL CARE/ TREATMENT (Curative medicine) Offering good, reliable and cheap treatment for those already sick
C) HIV/AIDS VCT and HIV-positive self-help groups are the main emphasis of the work.
D) ANAMED & FOOD SECURITY Teaching about, cultivation, production and use of Natural Medicines.
The 4 Branchleaders - together with the Coordinator of HUYAMU and the "in charge" of the Dispensaries - form the so called MANAGEMENT TEAM of HUYAMU.
An important role plays also the Chairman of the Board, Pastor Hezron Shimb, who has been the Chairman since th start of HUYAMU in 1999.
Rev Hezron Shimba, Pastor of a big church in Bunda and - since start of HUYAMU - the chairman of the Board
.1) Dr Timothy Mashauri, Clinical Officer in Charge AICT Bweri Health Center
2) Dr Martha Mafipa responsibile for the "Curative Medicine" and Clinical Officer in charge or the BUNDA Dispensary
3) Dr Clifford Gamba - "In charge" for the HIV/ AIDS - work within HUYAMU and "in charge" of the AICT Musoma Dispensary in Nyasho
3) Peter Adrian - responsible for the branch of Natural Medicine (anamed) which includes cultivation and production of Natural medicine, bees keeping etc
5) Maike Ettling - Coordinator of HUYAMU