One major part of the HIV/Aids-involvement is VCT (Voluntary counselling & testing). VCT services are offered in 4 permanent centers:
Musoma Dispensary, Bweri Dispensary, Bunda Dispensary and Busambara VCT center. Five Counsellors are doing about 400 tests each month,
In conecction with the Mobile Clinics in 7 villages once a month, VCT is offered and about 30-50 tests are done per day and village.
The aim of VCT is helping people to change behaviour as well as to give new hope and directions for those found HIV positive.
A main part of this care are the so called KAZA ROHO Groups: KAZA ROHO means: be strong!-don´t give up! – and is the name of Selfhelp-Groups of PLWH/A. The groups do meet regularly once or twice a week with the aim of mutual encouragement, fellowship, learning about and producing natural medicine.
At the moment 4 groups are existing:
- MUSOMA: The group has about 40 regular participants
- BUNDA: The Kaza Roho has about 15 members
- MANYAMANYAMA (a village close to Bunda): Started off in 2011 and has about 15 members
- KITENGULE (a village near Bunda): The group was started in 2010 with 5 people, by now 12 PLWH/A meet regularly. In the village context where stigmatisation is still very present, courage is needed to talk openly about Aids and the group is a place of acceptance and home for the Kaza Roho members.
In Musoma a Kaza Roho choir was started some years ago: Songs about Aids, against stigmatisation, songs of hope for those infected and affected. The choir is singing in churches, in community meetings and schools.
Kaza Roho Member with so called SACK BEETS: getting frsh vegetables with little effort and no money, getting money through selling vegetables... Many of the Kaza Roho group have started their "Sack beet"-projects...
HIV/AIDS Education during a village meeting. The Kaza Roho Choir was singing and getting the chance to tell their stories and to invite people for getting tested
Kaza Roho Food Preparation
The Kaza Roho Choir - singing songs about Aids and inviting people to get tested -
as Aids is not the end of life, as one of their songs says.
Besides the VCT offered in the 3 Dispensaries, HUYAMU has started to be involved in several Community Mobilization on "village markets", aiming to reach many people at one time. Between 300 and 600 people get HIV tested during ONE day - and often the HIVTests reach their end while people are still queuing up for testing. Those found positive are reffered to the nearest Clinic where they can receive ARV s - but they are also invited to come to our Dispensary in Musoma for further counselling and informations. And most of those found with HIV are accepting the invitation and come to our clinic where they have time to ask questions, receive further informations and to be encouraged to take the next step.
Besides HIV testing some Healthworkers are walking throughout the markets, talking to people about Familiy Planning. the need for it, the differnet methods which can be used. They are answering questions and inviting those ready for using one of the possible ways to our Dispensary in Musoma...
Using Flyer about Family Planning for teaching and information-sharing on the market
People queueing up for HIV Test - getting their answer after only 5 minutes...
SInce February 2016 we have started offering (in cooperation with the government) CTC in the Dispensary in Bweri. Therefore PLWH/A can get all services at one place: HIV Test, CD 4 count and finally treatment with ARVs-