Natural Medicine
A seminar in 2003, facilitated by the German Pharmacist from the german organisation ANAMED (Action for Natural Medicine) Dr Hans-Martin Hirt, inspired HUYAMU to begin to cultivate, produce and use natural medicines. The medicines have proven very successful in healing and mitigating the symptoms of many diseases. For example:
- Neem leaves fight fungal infection,
- Euphorbia Hirta treats Amoebiasis and gives relief for Asthma,
- Artemisia Annua leaves heals Malaria,
- Garlic helps in Diabetes, high blood pressure and strengthens the immune system,
- Chili ointment helps rheumatism
But natural medicines (like Artemisia Annua and Moringa) also show remarkable results in PLWH/A (People living with HIV/ Aids). It improves the general condition of the patients - including increase in appetite, weight gain, and healing of opportunistic infections.
Food Security is another area of HUYAMU. Soya (using soya beans and Amaranth) is produced in order to improve nutrition, and strengthening health and immunity. Through the teaching about and use of ‘sackbeets’, people are enabled to get vegetables with very little water and on very small room.
Some of our ANAMED products:
- ARTEMISIA ANNUA (Malaria, Immunity booster)
- MORINGA (Nutrition, Diabetis, High Blood pressure, Immuniy Booster)
- MORINGA SEEDS (Diabetis, High Bloodpressure)
- ALOE-NEEM-SOAP (Fungus, skin problems)
- TOOTHPOWDER MKARATUSI (Dental hygiene, tooth problems)
- ALOE VERA-HONEY (Peptic Ulcers)
- BLACK STONE (snake and scorpions bites)
- AMYGDALINA (Malaria)
- CHILI (rheumatism, joint pains)
- NEEM (Fungus)
- ARTEMISIA (Fungus, other skin problems)
- CHILLI (Rheumatism, painful joints)
- GUAVA (Haemorrhoids, eczema)
- NEEM (Fungus etc)
- etcetc
Besides Natural medicine Nutrition and Foodsecurity is another area of HUYAMU.
- Soya (using soya beans and Amaranth) is produced in order to improve nutrition, and strengthening health and immunity.
- Sackbeets: Through the teaching about and use of ‘sackbeets’are people enabled to get vegetable with very little water and on very small room.
Artemesia treats
malaria and boosts the Immunity
Moringa has medicinal
properties as well as
nutrition enhancement